Setting up your Calendly Account

NOTE: Your Calendly account MUST be the “Professional Plan” (For $12+ per month). If you are on the free plan OR Essentials plan, please upgrade.


Be sure to SAVE the API Key! We will need it in a moment!

Go here and create a new Incoming Webhook:

Add the name "Calendly" and copy the FIRST URL:

Lastly, please copy both the Calendly API Key + The FIRST URL here and submit this form:

Finally, in LeadPath, choose "Create Lead" and add these:

referralCode: {{request.body.payload.tracking.utm_source}}

email: {{}}

firstName: {{request.body.payload.first_name}}

lastName: {{request.body.payload.last_name}}

One all that is setup, just add your tracking link here:

Make SURE that for any Calendly links (ONLY Calendly links...)

...that you change "?ref={{partner.referralCode}}" to "?utm_souce={{partner.referralCode}}".

Calendly requires you to use "utm_source" instead of "ref", so be sure to remember that if you add any links in the future!

Feel free to test it by using one of your partner links!!

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