Setting Up Partner & Account Links in LeadPath

What are Links in LeadPath?

Links are what either YOU, or Partners share to track new leads coming into your business, and can be found here in LeadPath:

Below you can see a button indicating where you can add a new tracking link:

The first time you go to setup a new link, it will give you the option to:

  1. Add a name
  2. Choose the type of link (Account OR Partner). See the purpose of each link below:
    1. Account Links Purpose - To track internal metrics, numbers, opt-ins, etc. For example, you could add an "Instagram" tracking link, or something like that.
    2. Partner Links Purpose - To track PARTNER metrics, numbers, opt-ins, etc. Once a Partner Link is created, it will be automatically added to EVERY partner in your database. (Every partner will instantly get access to that link with a CUSTOM URL for every partner. See more below)
  3. Where that link redirects to once clicked.
    1. For Partner links, it will automatically add the referral-tracking code for you! ("?ref={{partner.referralCode}}")

Here is an example of what you'll see in a Partner link:

And here is an example of what you'll see in an Account link:

All links can be automatically branded to your own domain by following this article here:

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