How Incoming Webhooks Work

What is a Webhook?

A webhook is a way for two web platforms to communicate with each other, usually when triggered by a specific event. In simple terms, when Event A happens on Platform A, Platform A will send a message to Platform B, notifying it about Event A. This message-sending mechanism is the essence of webhooks.

What is an Incoming Webhook?

Incoming webhooks are triggered by events on other platforms or softwares that then get sent to LeadPath.

For example, if you set up an Incoming webhook between LeadPath and your CRM software such as Active Campaign, whenever a new lead is created in Active Campaign, that lead will be added to LeadPath.

How Do Incoming Webhooks Work?

  1. Data Transmission: An external source, based on certain events or triggers, sends data to LeadPath. This could be due to activities like a third-party service completing a task, receiving an external notification, or obtaining data from an external database.
  2. Data Reception: LeadPath is set up to listen for these incoming data packets, expecting them in a specific format, usually JSON.
  3. HTTP POST Request: The external source sends the packaged data as an HTTP POST request to the webhook URL specified in LeadPath.
  4. Processing Endpoint: LeadPath's endpoint (or the specified URL) receives this POST request. It then deciphers, processes, and takes necessary actions based on the data or even just stores it for future use.

Why Use Incoming Webhooks?

  • Real-time Data Reception: Incoming webhooks facilitate immediate data intake from external sources, allowing applications to respond and process information in real-time.
  • Eliminating the Need for Polling: Rather than having your application consistently check external systems for updates, incoming webhooks provide a mechanism where the data is sent to your system directly when an event occurs, conserving resources and reducing redundant calls.
  • Integration Ease: Incoming webhooks can be seamlessly integrated into various components of a system, catering to a wide array of applications and scenarios.
  • Configurable Payloads: The data received through incoming webhooks can be tailored by the sending system, ensuring that your application gets precisely the information it requires.
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