How Outgoing Webhooks Work

What is a Webhook?

A webhook is a way for two web platforms to communicate with eachother, usually when triggered by a specific event. In simple terms, when Event A happens on Platform A, Platform A will send a message to Platform B, notifying it about Event A. This message-sending mechanism is the essence of webhooks.

What is an Outgoing Webhook?

Outgoing webhooks are triggered by events on LeadPath that then get sent to another platform.

For example, if you set up an outgoing webhook between LeadPath and your CRM software such as High Level, whenever a new partner is created in LeadPath, that partner will be added to your CRM.

How Do Outgoing Webhooks Work?

  1. Event Trigger: An event occurs in LeadPath. For example: A new lead or partner is created.
  2. Data Packaging: Once the event triggers the webhook, LeadPath packages information about the event into a predefined format, usually JSON.
  3. HTTP POST Request: LeadPath then sends this packaged data as an HTTP POST request to the endpoint you've defined. For example: your CRM software.
  4. Receiving Endpoint: The endpoint (your CRM software) receives this POST request. It can then process the data, use it to trigger other actions, or simply store it.

Why Use Outgoing Webhooks?

  • Real-time Operation: Webhooks provide near-instantaneous data transfer, allowing for real-time reactions and processes.
  • Reduced Server Polling: Instead of continually asking (or "polling") another server if there's new data, you can sit back and let the data come to you only when there's an event, reducing unnecessary network traffic and processing.
  • Flexibility: Webhooks can be integrated into almost any part of a system, making it highly adaptable to numerous use cases.
  • Customizability: The payload (data sent by the webhook) can be customized to fit the specific needs of the receiving end.
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