What should I set up LINKS for in my LeadPath account?

What are Links in LeadPath?

Links are what either YOU, or Partners share to track new leads coming into your business, and can be found here in LeadPath:


What should I set up Links FOR?

Your LeadPath links are not just used to track clicks and conversions but are the KEY to providing valuable insight to help you make data-driven decisions so that you can best optimize your referral marketing strategy. The two types of links you can set up in your LeadPath account are ACCOUNT LINKS and PARTNER LINKS.

The purpose of ACCOUNT LINKS is to track YOUR internal metrics, numbers, opt-ins, etc...

Internal Metrics Tracking: By creating specific tracking links for internal metrics, you gain the ability to monitor the performance of your marketing efforts on that platform. This means you can understand what's working and what's not, allowing you to optimize your strategy on every platform to produce the best ROI.

For example, you can use internal metrics tracking to track each one of your social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.), meaning you can narrow down exactly which channels are providing the best results while simultaneously being able to identify which channels could use improvement.

Precision in Optimization: Take the guesswork out of your marketing strategy by knowing exactly what's working and what's not. Setting up links for various channels or campaigns provides a granular view of your marketing landscape. This precision allows you to allocate resources where they matter most, maximizing ROI and minimizing wasteful spending.

Real-Time Insights: With dedicated tracking links, you're not just shooting in the dark. You can access real-time data that helps you make immediate adjustments to your campaigns. For instance, if your "Instagram" link is underperforming, you can pivot your strategy on the fly to boost engagement and conversions.

The purpose of PARTNER LINKS is to track PARTNER metrics, numbers, opt-ins, etc...

Streamlined Partner Collaboration: Partner links are all about fostering collaboration. When you create a Partner Link, it's automatically accessible to every partner in your database. This means your partners instantly gain access to a tracking link with a custom URL designed for their use.

Empowering Your Partners: By equipping your partners with personalized tracking links, you empower them to track their own performance. This transparency builds trust and encourages your partners to actively participate in your marketing efforts.

Data-Driven Partnerships: With partner-specific tracking links, you and your partners can both access data on how their efforts are contributing to your shared goals. This data-driven approach not only enhances accountability but also helps you refine your partnership strategies for mutual benefit.

Overall, both account links & partner links provide essential insight into gaining an in-depth understanding of your marketing landscape and referral marketing strategies.

RELATED: Check out this article to learn how you can set up account & partner links in your LeadPath account:


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